Funding documents for neighborhood organizations

You need to prepare certain documents and policies before you can receive neighborhood engagement funding. We explain how to do that.

Mission Guardian member account

Neighborhood organizations should set up a Mission Guardian member account.

You can use the account to access the forms and policies you'll need to receive neighborhood engagement funding from the City.

Call our partner, Birken Law, to set up a Mission Guardian member account.

It's free

  • You don't have to pay for the account or the documents.
  • You can also get free legal advice from Birken Law — up to two 15-minute calls every month.

Call Birken Law

Log in to your account

Log in to Mission Guardian

When you need to get documents, log in to your Mission Guardian account.

Go to the Neighborhoods 2020 page.

The online wizards will make it easy to get documents that are:

  • New
  • Approved
  • Legally compliant

Contact us

Neighborhood & Community Relations

Email NCR






Crown Roller Mill
105 Fifth Ave., Room 425
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Office hours

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday