Mayor Frey Highlights Major Win for Minneapolis 2040 Plan

May 20, 2024

The Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan has received national accolades and recognition since it passed in 2019, despite being challenged in court

The State legislature passed a bill that will resolve the legal challenge that effectively stalled the plan

Mayor Jacob Frey is highlighting a major win for the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which has been stuck in a years-long court battle. On Sunday night, state lawmakers passed a bill that will resolve the legal challenge under the 2040 Plan that gave rise to the lawsuit. The legislation will allow the City of Minneapolis to move forward with permitting long-stalled multi-unit housing projects. 

Mayor Frey has maintained for months that the City will win this fight whether in the courts or legislatively. The legislative path for Minneapolis 2040 has now been secured.

“This is a huge win and a proud moment for our city and state,” said Mayor Jacob Frey. “The Minneapolis 2040 Plan has allowed us to break ground on a diversity of projects across our city while pushing back on generations of intentional segregation. Protecting our landmark zoning reform with a legislative fix has been a true team undertaking. Thank you to the advocates and lawmakers who have helped guarantee Minneapolis can maintain its nation-leading affordable housing work!”

The Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan was passed in 2019 and was the guiding vision for shaping how the city will grow and change for the next 20 years. This includes historic zoning reforms to allow for a diversity of use in all neighborhoods across the city.

In part due to the 2040 Plan, Minneapolis has seen record-breaking levels of affordable rental housing units produced in the past several years, while also keeping rents at some of the lowest rates in the country.

Since 2018, Mayor Frey and the City of Minneapolis have invested more than $360 million into affordable rental housing and homeownership programs.
